Hidden Fats & Cholesterol

In my quick review of how the low-carbohydrate/high- protein diets put you in harm's way, it's well to remem¬ber two medical prefixes, neither of which mean much good: they are hyper and hypo. Hyper means "overac¬tive": hypo means "underactive."
A diet that is very low in carbohydrates and high in protein is usually rich in fat and low in fiber. Many cholesterols and fats are hidden in what we think are high-protein foods, such as beef or cheese. Fat-rich foods, in turn, are linked to high levels of blood choles¬terol and to compounds known as triglycerides, which put free fatty acids in your blood.
Now, for some jawbreakers: hyperlipidemia (lipids are fats), hypercholesterolemia and hypertriglyceridemia are associated with coronary heart disease and atheroscle¬rosis. Hyperuricemia means a significant increase in uric acid in the blood, which can promote gout.
All these "overactive" processes are spurred by the ketone-production of diets with low-carbohydrate and high-protein content.
As for the "underactive" effects of such diets, hypoglycemia means insufficient blood sugar; postural hypotension means the trouble you may experience rais¬ing yourself up from a supine position.
Common among dieters is the idea that if they but switch from fats and oils to the high-protein diet, as rec¬ommended by Scarsdale, Atkins, et al, the cholesterol issue is dealt with. For example, they are apt to go along with a diet that allows an abundance of lean meat (beef, lamb, veal); chicken and turkey (with skin removed); lean fish (perch, flounder, haddock, cod); hard-boiled eggs, and cheese.
However, a diet of this sort is virtually restricted to protein and fat. As such it is a mine field seeded with ketosis.
The BHMD has a different approach. It considers all fats equally bad. It also tells you not to get caught up counting cholesterol, or worrying about polyunsaturated, saturated and unsaturated fats. The average American gets 40 to 50% of his calories from fats. The figure should be down to about 20%, and on the BHMD it is actually lower.
It has already been stated that the BHMD is thumbs down on all unnecessary fats. To be on the safe side allow me to add that the same goes for the unsaturated vegetable oils. They are merely vegetable fat which has been processed out of the vegetable. In the vegetable the oil is part of its natural container and harmless. But once it has been passed into an artificial container like a bottle it's another matter entirely.

An End To Dietary Horror

I could go on and on about the dangerous aspects of this fad diet or any other fad diet. The high-protein/high-fat/ low-carbohydrate diet presents to me a horror story of grisly proportions. Fortunately, it has been my pleasure to put an end to its hazardous workings for a number of people.
I have seen many people who were once advocates of the high-protein diet. One of these was BJ, a 40-year-old woman who attended a university-sponsored high- protein diet program for eight months and lost 80 pounds. Her scalp hair thinned out, she was "cold all the time," felt weak, was dizzy, had dry skin, etc. She gained all of her weight back plus 10 pounds. She had more illness during and after the diet than she had before.

How Does Ketosis Work?

The sensible nutrition of the BHMD reflects a way of eating that you can live with day in and day out. It helps
void the disastrous illnesses and potential deaths that may occur with some of the other diets, such as those featuring high-protein/low-carbohydrate.
The "other" diets take different forms. They continually pop up in new guises.
The so-called "protein-sparing modified fast" swept the country about four years ago. It is still around as the protein powder diet.
The protein powder taken by mouth, so goes the theory, prevents the body from breaking down its own protein in the form of muscles; heart, lungs, liver, skin, etc. Consequently, only fat would be burned for fuel for the body in the absence of carbohydrates. So many of the young nurses at the hospitals I attended used these diets and so many of them had multiple symptoms of dizziness, weakness, fainting and shriveling of skin that I was forced to study this ill-fated program in order to help them see the bad side effects.
In 1979, reports of deaths associated with the diet appeared first in the prestigious New England Journal of Medicine. Autopsy studies of the people on this diet— usually young women—showed breakdown of the very protein tissues (heart, liver and others) this diet was sup¬posed to protect.
It turned out that the theory was wrong. The body cannot utilize protein in this or any other diet without carbohydrates. Actually, it is really the carbohydrates which protect the protein tissues from undergoing degen¬eration.
Then, why did people want to use the high-protein diet? Did it cause a fast weight loss? Yes it did, and still does. But the weight loss is not fat loss. It is fluid, that is, water loss.
The reason is simple. All this excess protein that is taken in must be metabolized, and protein requires seven times as much water for its metabolism as Complex Carbohydrates do. The major mode of excretion of metabolized protein is in the urine, much of it as urea (the substance that imparts the characteristic yellow color to the urine). So it takes lots and lots of water to cause this protein excretion. This weight loss is quickly regained.
After 1Vi to 2 days on the high protein diet the glycogen (carbohydrate stored in muscles) is exhausted and the great weight loss occurs. This is the salt-linked carbohydrate fluid loss—a large loss of fluid and minerals in the urine. The great fatigue which occurs at this point reflects the water and mineral losses which grow worse as the days progress.
The claim is made that at this point the body will start producing ketones and that then the fat will melt away. The ketones, as you have learned, are breakdown pro¬ducts of fats—incompletely metabolized fats. When fat is completely metabolized no ketosis occurs since the fat is broken down completely.
When ketosis occurs in people with diabetes mellitus it heralds a rather severe situation as this represents an abnormal demand upon the body. Large amounts of ketones in diabetes can help cause the so-called diabetic coma.
In the non-diabetic at the very least it can cause dam¬aged body chemistry, as well as mineral and vitamin los¬ses. As ketones are being formed and being excreted the body's defense against illness, the immune system, suf¬fers. Sensitivity to cold occurs. The thyroid hormone de¬creases. Changes-for-the-worse show up in liver tests. The blood uric acid increases and this may precipitate a fullblown gout attack.
Further deteriorations become prominent, such as a decrease in blood volume, which may lead to postural hypotension. This is a drop in blood pressure upon stand¬ing, leading to dizziness and weakness. Changes-for-the- worse occur in the ability of the kidneys to excrete waste material. The large potassium loss has been well documented, and I have seen patients on this diet brought to the hospital because of heart irregularities.
Hyponatremia, which is a sodium loss to a degree which is unhealthy, may occur and often is responsible for nausea, vomiting, dizziness, and apathy.
Magnesium and calcium losses occur in gradually dimi¬nishing amounts and the effect on the body, especially on the heart and nervous system, can be bad.
A drastic weight reduction program such as the highprotein, low-carbohydrate diet can cause a flattening of the lining of the intestine and can interfere with absorption of nutrients, causing what we call a malabsorption syndrome.
Vitamin deficiencies also occur in this type of diet. While ingesting protein liquid or powder, the amount of B vitamins excreted in the urine exceeds that of the healthy individual.

Dangers Of Other Diets

The high-protein/low-carbohydrate diet also causes other problems, one of which is bone loss. Osteoporosis, which is thinning of the bone due to calcium loss, is getting to be fairly common in our society. By the time we turn fifty we can start to see significant bone loss on X-ray. Our bones thin out causing more bone breaks (fractures) as well as actual loss in height due to thinning and collapse of vertebrae.
This comes about because a high-protein diet increases calcium loss in the urine. In addition, the excess nitrogen and sulfur from the proteins in the blood are acid by¬products of protein metabolism. The acidity literally leaches the calcium out of the bone.
What happens is that a state of negative calcium bal¬ance is produced. It means the body is losing more cal¬cium than it is taking in. Adding calcium to our foods or in supplements does not seem to help reverse the nega¬tive calcium balance and protect bones against more osteoporosis. Getting off the high-protein diet does, however, cause the calcium balance to become positive, i.e., more calcium enters than is lost.
The average American is getting too many of his daily calories in protein. This means that he is risking the loss of the important mineral calcium. As a result he is sus¬ceptible to spontaneous bone fractures and loss of height, both due to thinning of bone.
In addition, other valuable minerals are lost, including zinc, iron and magnesium. We pay for this in our middle age.

Stop Killing Yourself

Sometimes shock is the only thing that will bring home a point. In my practice and in my mini-clinics in Beverly
Hills I've often judged it necessary to resort to such blunt tactics to make people care. The dietary facts sometimes need to seize people by the throat and give them a good shaking to make them realize what they are doing to themselves by their overweight and destructive eating practices.
I've actually found an element of fatalism in the reck¬lessness with which we Americans eat, smoke, drink and diet.
Perhaps that's because it's now commonplace to spend the last twenty years of our lives under a cardiologist's supervision. Perhaps it's rather ordinary for someone you know to have had by-pass surgery. Perhaps we figure we're all going to get cancer sooner or later anyway. Perhaps there is an unconscious fear that the whole world is going to blow up and that we may as well begin with ourselves.
Whatever the reason may be, I've found that there is a connection between these fatalistic attitudes and the fact that the average American is fat, that he has a cholesterol level of over 230, and that he will spend the remaining two decades of his life being treated for one thing after another.
It is due to nonchalance about the way you eat and about your body that you have a one-in-three chance of dying of a heart attack by age 60. Your condition is criti¬cal enough for the time to have come that no diet can be complete without dealing with the stress factor. Stress, overweight and faulty eating practices almost ensure that you may never reach old age.
The BHMD can preserve you from this fate. It can stop the breakneck pace at which you are wrecking your health and gambling with the chances of longevity. The BHMD provides a fast and simple program to defeat our grim nutritional statistics.
If you are too heavy and do not exercise your body, the BHMD tells you which foods you should be eating to bring down your weight. If you smoke and drink alcohol, you must stop, or at least cut down to the absolute mini¬mum. The BHMD literally urges you to "take your heart for a walk." And it stipulates that you must begin by
replacing fatty and oily foods with others rich in Complex Carbohydrates.
That's because C.C. provides the best, the fastest and safest way to lose weight without the hazards of ketosis.

Hazards Of Ketosis

I would not feel so strongly about the low-carbohydrate/ high-protein diet if it were not for the bodily harm it's known to create. Among the least alarming side effects are calcium depletion, dehydration, sleeplessness, nau¬sea and fatigue.
Quite serious is the damage ketosis may cause for peo¬ple with kidney problems.
And most serious is the linkage between ketone- producing high-protein, high-fat diets and atherosclero¬sis, gout, hypoglycemia, vascular thrombosis, liver and gall bladder diseases, hypertension, cancer of the colon and breast, cardiac arrhythmias, postural hypotension and coronary heart disease.
I've purposely put the risk elements of the low- carbohydrate/high-protein diet in a row. I did mean to scare you.

Let's Act Like Grownups

When we talk about diets there is no point in fooling ourselves. The Beverly Hills Medical Diet is no pacifier to still your anxieties about weight. It is no fairy tale in which a wand waves and fat drops automatically. This is what the BHMD will do:
It tells you how to lose weight rapidly. Why you lose it. And what the diet contains that makes it work.
Certain kinds of diet books get my goat. They are the ones written as if the reader is a child who needs to be coaxed to reduce. This approach is not the least irritating quality of the Scarsdale diet, in which the hazardous ketone-stimulated water loss is justified by the rationale that the dieter needs to see immediate results. This type of "evidence," so goes the claim, will encourage the die¬ter through reinforcement to persist in his regimen.
Such reasoning is hardly the approach to a successful, life-time diet. The BHMD reshapes your eating habits because it is in your pattern of food consumption that weight was gained in the first place. The BHMD adjusts your fat person's body to that of a slender person, who will stay slender permanently. The high-protein dieter who has been turned into a nervous "sprinkler" is essen¬tially still as fat as he was before. As you will learn after sampling the delicious BHMD menus, there is a differ¬ence Ipetween weight loss and fat loss.
During my medical-nutritional seminars at the Amer¬ican Institute of Health, I try to involve my patients more deeply into the question of their health. I explain that being merely the guardian of their medical data, it really doesn't belong to me. It is theirs and they are the ones who should be concerned about it. Thus they are moti¬vated to do what they know they should be doing any¬way. We are partners, I explain, but they are the senior partners in our program of nutrition and stress manage¬ment.
There are hundreds of medical tricks that would enable me to delude their trust. But I believe in treating the dieter as an adult capable of taking responsibility in his own hands.
With the same frankness I confront the apology made for ketosis. An increase of ketone bodies in the blood is said to curb appetite. I consider such panaceas unneces¬sary, especially when they are the result of the real dan¬gers posed by ketones. The BHMD has the best appetite restrainer in the world. That is the feeling of being full. The greater amount of chewing required by the C.C. diet, with the subsequent increase of saliva and gastric juices, gives the stomach a sated and satisfied feeling.
Dieting requires a certain amount of discipline. I recog¬nize that voluntary restraint is not an easy matter. With the BHMD, however, this kind of self-control is made a cinch.

Your Body Is A Temple

The Beverly Hills Medical Diet runs counter to the "rev­olutionists." It begins where the high-protein promises leave off. It scorns to use a "faucet" technique in which the well soon runs dry. With its emphasis on Complex Carbohydrates, the BHMD attacks obesity at its soft spot,<if you will. That soft spot is not liquid but fat.
There is just no getting around it. Fat is the most com­pact package of calories the body stores. These "pack­ages" ^.re contained in the outsized bulges you wish to make disappear. Fat is the chief reason why people gain weight. So, if you wish to become lighter and look better, if you wish to achieve optimal health, you must get rid not of water but of fat.
The BHMD helps restore your figure by the philoso­phy that when weight is to be lost rapidly, eating all the more must be made a delight. That's why you have been given menus to please and thrill you day after day, week after week. Picking and choosing from the BHMD culi­nary selections will become an enjoyable part of your daily routine.
The components of the BHMD are those which God has diffused through nature for your well-being. I do not look upon the dieter as a "fat-burning" machine. I regard the human body as a temple whose organs and processes must be treated with respect. Short and deceptive dietary rituals will not help maintain the body. With their invo­cation, the temple will collapse. On the BHMD fat is lost without disturbing the sacred vessels of your organ­ism.
Complex Carbohydrates are the main fare of the BHMD. They help melt fat away in a way that is Simple, Safe, and Speedy. If you stick to C.C., the effects are permanent. And it may add years to your life.


The high-protein/low-carbohydrate diets advocated by Atkins and Scarsdale have perfected a technique for which I have coined a phrase. They use what I call a "sleight-of-fat."
The English Dr. Harvey got the low-carbohydrate ball rolling by cutting out sweet and starchy foods, restricting his Victorian clientele to high-protein and fat intake. But it was up to his modern successors, like the Atkins and Scarsdale diets, to claim that the high-protein/low- carbohydrate fare breaks down the body's fat stores faster than normal.
When that happens, according to our high priests of protein, fragments of carbon are released. In the Atkins diet these fragments are called FMH, Fat Mobilizing Hormone. We shall stick to the scientific name, "ketone , bodies," which are basically nothing more than poorly burned fatty acids. The resulting condition—the metabol­ized or partially burned fat fragments—is the "ketosis" we touched upon earlier.
According to the Scarsdale, Dr. Atkins and similar diets, ketone production means that excess fat is being pulled out of your fat reserves. The ketones, according to Scarsdale, transform your body into a "fat-burning machine." But it would be far more accurate to say that the ketones turn the body into a sprinkling system.

The ketones stimulate urinary losses, and this is what I meant by my somewhat facetious "sleight-of-fat." The "miracle" of fast weight reduction promised by the low- carbohydrate/high-protein diets is nothing more than a change in water balance. Moreover, the water-loss occurs primarily in the diet's initial 8-10 day period. After that the "sprinkling system" sputters to a halt, while the fat largely remains where it has always been.

The Enemies Of Bhmd

Since the issue is so clouded with misinformation, and especially since carbohydrates have been made the vil­lain in so many popular diets, let us examine the myth and its hazards. Six years ago the U.S. Department of Agriculture interviewed some 2,500 homemakers and found that only three per cent had a general nutritional knowledge. On the BHMD it is as important to know what you eat as why you eat what you eat.
We have already seen that a low-carbohydrate diet is often another word*for a high-protein, high-fat and high cholesterol intake. Just how this type of diet is able to promote a temporary weight loss is shown best in the theory behind the most popular of the contemporary slimming manuals. These are Dr. Atkins' Diet Revolution and The Complete Scarsdale Medical Diet.
First off, I should say that there is very little "revolu­tionary" about a diet that an English surgeon, William Harvey, prescribed for his patients more than a century ago.
Secondly, I hope to dismiss, once and for all, the chief contention of the "revolutionary" diets.
Thirdly, I shall explain the Three S's of the BHMD. Why it's Simple, Safe, and Speedy.

The Myth Of "Starch"

With the BHMD I hope to dispel a myth Americans have been laboring under too long. It is the mistaken belief that "starchy" foods cause obesity. Somehow the idea has gotten around that starch is incompatible with weight loss and sound eating principles.

Here I shaH sum up the credo of the BHMD in a nut shell: "Starchy" foods, as long as they are unrefined, are chockful of Complex Carbohydrates. Therefore, the BHMD sets before you a hearty feast of those Complex Carbohydrates and fiber-laden foods for, 1) rapid and permanent weight reduction, 2) for longevity, 3) for stress removal, and 4) for general health.

The BHMD shows you how by way of the Complex

I Carbohydrates a few simple changes in diet enable you to lose weight fast while reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease. You learn to recognize the risk factors and how to avoid them. You learn how to read labels, how to alter favorite recipes, and how to eat away from home.

The BHMD will slim you and make you health-conscious without upsetting your life-style.

What's Wrong With Us?

There's something wrong with us. When 80 million Americans are overweight—that is, nearly one in two— then I think 1 have reason to state that there is definitely something terribly wrong in our diet and the way we eat.

Despite several decades of diet consciousness the chubby statistics prevail to this day. Since the Second World War, Americans have been on and off an inconceivable variety of regimen.

They've been on diets exclusively devoted to bananas and milk. They've been on others which advocated little more than sucking on a grapefruit. They've ingested the growth hormone from the urine of pregnant women. They've even tried to cut poundage by stapling their ears, in the hope that by wiggling the stapled lobe hunger would disappear.


Too many check (/) marks indicate your nutritional practices need revising.

Check only the questions that you would answer as yes.


( ) 1. I know what good nutrition is but it is difficult for me to apply this knowledge in a consistent manner. ( ) 2. I must learn more about nutrition so I can

eat better. ( ) 3. I have specific problems. ( ) 4. My nutrition is not good. ( ) 5.1 have been put on a restricted diet before. ( ) 6. I have a history of indigestion. ( ) 7. I have a history of constipation. ( ) 8. I have a history of diarrhea. ( ) 9. I have a history of excess gas. ( ) 10. I am overweight. ( ) 11. I am seriously overweight. ( ) 12. I have had trouble losing weight. ( ) 13. I gain weight easily. ( ) 14. I frequently feel listless after eating. ( ) 15. I often have cravings for food I shouldn't eat.

( ) 16. I put salt on my foods.

( ) 17. I crave sugar and sugary foods.

( ) 18. I often eat high fat, high cholesterol foods.

( ) 19. I eat, chew and swallow rapidly.

( ) 20. I don't, as a rule, eat breakfast.

( ) 21. I often eat while working or "on the run."

( ) 22. I feel better immediately after eating, only to slump later.

( ) 23. I like to eat late at night. It helps calm me.

( ) 24. If I go without eating too long I get tense or irritable.

( ) 25. I don't usually read food labels.

( ) 26. Let's face it—I'm a junk food junkie.

( ) 27. I need that coffee in the morning to get going.

( ) 28. I eat pretty well except I don't know when to stop.

( ) 29. I eat lots of canned or convenience foods.

( ) 30. I have food allergies.

One More Word To The Wise

Before we get into the C.C. of the book, I should point out there are no miracles in nature. Nature works marvel-ously according to a plan that commands our reverence. But it has no miracles, as science will tell you. Likewise, the BHMD, which takes nature as its model, does not provide anything exceeding the bounds of the possible.

As the director of the American Institute of Health in Beverly Hills I run a series of mini-clinics in which people learn how to stay healthy and vigorous. There they are told straight away that I do not offer a chocolate-flavored miracle program. Instead I propose, as I do in my regular practice, that they and I become partners in health.

You are the key to the New Health, which you can obtain by following the Anti-Stress Beverly Hills Medical Diet.

Before you embark on your journey to the new, healthier and longer-living you, test your nutritional practices with a self-nutritional survey...


To moderate your eating habits while feeling good? To get off the roller coaster and on the straight road to dietary well-being? To eat and know that you are slimming? To stay slim and rejoice in feeling good and relaxed?

With the BHMD and Long-Life Anti-Stress Plan I have achieved what the protein diets promise but don't deliver. In the BHMD, for instance, there are no artificial sweeteners, as there are in Scarsdale and Atkins. The BHMD is a natural diet in harmony with nature and the human body. It helps you turn those bulging lines into the neat contours you crave. And because of your remodeled eating patterns the weight loss is permanent.


That's my term for the unwholesome regimen which the well-known proponents of protein have spread "among diet-conscious Americans. Typical of these are the Scars-dale and Dr. Atkins diets.

The shortcuts they promise take the dieter on a roundabout, disappointing and dangerous road. The high-protein diet they advocate disrupts homeostasis, the body's balance, resulting in stress, tension, nausea, and sleeplessness.

Having studied their works I believe the government should set up a new F.D. A.—A Federal Diet Administration. This agency would test the effects of the diets, and especially determine whether they reduce the chances of heart, liver and gall bladder disease, cancer and hypertension.

What irks me most about the anti-carbohydrate diets is the pit of disappointment they dig for the unsuspecting user. The dieter embarks on these programs desperate to lose fat. He happily notes his initial loss of weight. Unfortunately his joy is a delusion. He does not realize that what he has dropped is mostly water. And because he is losing water, the weight loss is temporary, so that he is really riding that roller coaster we mentioned earlier. In my diet I sa^ drop fat, not water. If my Federal Diet Administration ever comes about its first order of business would be to look into the dangers posed by the weight loss resulting from the protein programs. It is for a very good reason that the Scarsdale regimen warns the user not to stay on ft for more than two weeks. The dieter on this regimen, nutritionally speaking, is liable to overload his heart with stress. That's why I decided that no diet plan could be complete without dealing with the stress factor.


As with high-protein foods, the BHMD turns its nose down on cholesterol. It rejects fats. It positively spurns refined carbohydrates, like white flour or sugar.

On the BHMD you stick to the foods that provide the best sources of energy. Edibles that are close to natural food products. Menu items containing starch and fibers. Dishes rich in minerals and natural vitamins. The BHMD offers an extensive variety of tasty, low-calorie foods that can be permanently adopted in your total diet plan.

By now you know that I am talking about foods high in Complex Carbohydrates.

Perhaps my fervor for C.C. sounds exaggerated. "It may be so, but does he have to shout it from the roof top," I can almost hear the reader say.

My response to this is, "Yes, I wish I could shout it from the roof of every American house. With their large amounts of protein, fats, cholesterol and refined carbohydrates Americans are killing themselves."

A diet high in Complex Carbohydrates takes off weight and may even result in a natural burning off of more calories. A new study on rats reported in the prestigious Science magazine this year showed conclusively that weight is lost much more effectively through a diet low in fat and protein and rich in Complex Carbohydrates, such as grains, vegetables and fruits. Of two sets of animals, one group eating 25 percent higher in protein than the other group, was found after eight weeks to weigh 22 percent more than the rats fed on a low-protein diet.

Rapid weight loss is the chief ingredient in the BHMD. But just as important are the additional values the diet offers. The C.C. diet will give you a new figure, but what's more, it will prolong and enrich your life by reducing stress.

If we take the average American executive we see a man exhibiting two prominent characteristics. He is overweight and his body suffers from stress. This stress is aggravated seriously by a dangerous side-effect produced by his high-protein diet. It is called Ketosis.

The reduction of ketosis is one of the chief benefits of the diet high in Complex Carbohydrates. My Long-Life Anti-Stress Plan is part of the BHMD. Therefore, we shall hear more about that stress-producing condition, Ketosis.


I consider fie emphasis on high-protein diets like telling someone to bury a time bomb in his body. The steaks and chops, the butter and cheese are the elements in that time bomb. By consuming these products you are planting an explosive around the cardiovascular system and the heart.

There is a fuse, too. That fuse is your protein habit.

In making this statement I realize that I have already antagonized 95% of the diet doctors and nutritionists who swear by the High-Protein Bible. But I am not displeased about their anger. I have seen too much evidence of the damage caused by their advocacy to take their sputtering seriously.

Thus I have no sympathy for those doctors who blithely prescribe a high-protein diet to their desperate patients. Frankly, I feel ashamed for what they do to medical standards.

I have seen gentlemen with M.D. behind their names and with the most sincere smile hook their patients on the protein habit. I have asked myself whether they had forgotten their school books. Whether they had an inkling of the tremendous load they were putting on the patient's digestive and metabolic system. Whether they knew that the high-protein intake is one of the reasons for the dismal health statistics in our country!

In the following chapters you will learn some astonishing facts concerning the hazards of the high-protein habit. For now, let's look quickly at . . .

(Beverly Hills Medical Diet = Better Health Medical Diet)

You will lose weight fast and easy . You will be able to take your choice of many permissible and delicious foods. You will feel in the pink of psychological well-being. You will stay slim and trim. And you will live young to an old age.


Because the Beverly Hills Medical Diet modifies your way of eating. You adopt a diet that works. On the BHMD you develop a whole new pattern of food consumption.


Unlike the run-of-the-mill or faddist diets, the BHMD does not totally limit carbohydrates. I do not ban the dishes which the faddists and mistaken nutritionists rule taboo. I believe that these types of popular diet are to blame for the most excruciating of dietary woes: the "roller coaster" effect of weight loss.

1 once had a patient who had three suits—for regular weight, overweight, and greatly overweight. He used all of the suits throughout the year. It seemed funny when I heard him tell this story, but it wasn't at all funny when I sat with him last year in the hospital before^nd after his coronary by-pass surgery. It is well known that during the weight gain after weight loss considerably extra fat - and cholesterol is laid down in the coronary arteries.

We know what a roller coaster does. It goes up and down and in circles, and afterwards you feel dizzy and confused. Ninety out of 100 dieters gain their full weight back again within five years.

The faddist and regular diets operate like the "roller coaster." They take your weight down and up, up and down, and once your feet hit the scales again you are likely to feel rattled and discouraged.

But what is far more serious, the ride may impair your health. The "up-and-down" method practiced by many people actually results in depositing more fat on the body and in the arteries. That's what happened to my patient with the three-size wardrobe.

On the BHMD your weight doesn't bounce up and down like a yo-yo. There is none of that "slim-or-sink." You stay afloat at the proper body trim for as long as you live.


I have chosen a metaphor from the boxing ring to underscore the key to the BHMD. There is no doubt in my mind which of the two diet contenders my money is on.
Your plate will no longer groan under heaps of rich viands. Nor will your body groan in turn. Your diet will be more closely akin to that of the hardy and sturdy peoples who, though poor, have flourished and lived to a ripe old age in the less favored regions of the world.

What Muhammad Ali said about himself I say about C.C.: "It is the greatest."

My diet calls for a nutritional approach high in Complex Carbohydrates. At the same time it seeks to score a "knock-out" over the Protein.

When C.C. wins, your health is in the chips.

When C.C. gains the title your body looks and feels like a million dollars.


The success of my program has been as welcome to me as it has been to my patients. For the past twenty years I have practiced internal medicine. I am associated with two cardiologists. There are many satisfactions that make my profession worthwhile. But for much of my practice I was frustrated. I saw too many people ruin themselves by their eating habits.

They were wrecking their health with food. The wrong foods and too much of them.

I wondered if there was something I could do. I realized that with all my medical training and practice I also needed to bacome a nutritionist. I discovered that the subject of stress required intense study and investigation.

It is no secret that while we have eliminated the historic illnesses, we are struck down by the "modern" plagues—cancer, heart disease, strokes, diabetes and arthritis. These diseases don't just happen. The evidence overwhelmingly shows that most of today's illnesses are due to poor nutrition, poor health habits and a poor handling of stress.

Over the years I realized that if I were to help my patients live healthier and longer they would require a program combining proper nutritional approaches with a regimen reducing stress. They needed to become not only physiologically but also psychologically fit. Thus was born the Beverly Hills Medical Diet and Long-Life Anti-Stress Plan.


I call my weight-loss program the Beverly Hills Medical Diet. I took that name because it was in that glamorous but stressful town that my practice showed me the necessity for a healthly, balanced and permanent method of weight reduction.

The people who came to my office were those that many would tend to envy. They were wealthy, successful and lived lives filled with activity. Yet, many had the same problems faced by the other eighty million overweight Americans.

I am a doctor with a scientist's education, trained to observe and verify. And if I speak of the Beverly Hills Medical Diet with a little excitement it is only because of my extreme delight in its success.

I have seen the diet work!

I have seen people who followed it become slim and stay slim. I have been pleased to see them look better and more self-assured. They have become nothing less than enthusiasts who swear by the BHMD.

The BHMD is now a part of their lives. They have experienced fast weight loss and better health. They are following the BHMD and never gain an ounce. That's because the BHMD is not just a diet. It is a healthier way of eating and a better way of living.

I Have Seen The Proof

With the Beverly Hills Medical Diet you will lose weight. As much as ten pounds, or more, in two weeks.

With my Long-Life Anti-Stress Program you will feel better. Better than you ever thought possible.

With my program of sound nutrition you will live longer. And you will stay slim.

Too good to be true?


I have seen the proof.

I have seen people shed ten, twenty, thirty or more pounds. I have seen them with their new looks take on a new glow. I have seen them suddenly face a world that looked better to them—because they looked better. I still have my office in Beverly Hills. But because of the success of the Beverly Hills Medical Diet I no longer practice medicine in the usual fashion.

I have found a better way.

There is the BHMD "Plunge," in which you lose ten or more pounds in fourteen days.

There is the BHMD "Everyday" weight loss, in which you drop a comfortable three pounds a week.

Then there is the "Maintenance" program, a nutritional approach to keeping your desired weight and achieving stress-free longevity.

But I don't tell people to diet.

I tell them to eat for the rest of their lives.