Since the issue is so clouded with misinformation, and especially since carbohydrates have been made the villain in so many popular diets, let us examine the myth and its hazards. Six years ago the U.S. Department of Agriculture interviewed some 2,500 homemakers and found that only three per cent had a general nutritional knowledge. On the BHMD it is as important to know what you eat as why you eat what you eat.
We have already seen that a low-carbohydrate diet is often another word*for a high-protein, high-fat and high cholesterol intake. Just how this type of diet is able to promote a temporary weight loss is shown best in the theory behind the most popular of the contemporary slimming manuals. These are Dr. Atkins' Diet Revolution and The Complete Scarsdale Medical Diet.
First off, I should say that there is very little "revolutionary" about a diet that an English surgeon, William Harvey, prescribed for his patients more than a century ago.
Secondly, I hope to dismiss, once and for all, the chief contention of the "revolutionary" diets.
Thirdly, I shall explain the Three S's of the BHMD. Why it's Simple, Safe, and Speedy.
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