Replacing Stress With Zest

Unlike the other popular diets, the BHMD incorporates an anti-stress program. By habituating you to proper nutrition the BHMD reduces the stress which leads to heart disease and cancer. For this reason 1 call it a Long- Life Anti-Stress Program. The diet combats stress through a nutritional plan so composed that, ideally, 10% of your daily calories come from protein; 20% of your calories come from fat; and 70% of your calories come from Complex Carbohydrates.
Because the Complex Carbohydrates are much easier for your body to handle, they make less demand upon the organism. Consequently they create less stress, so that you'll feel more relaxed while dieting. In this painless manner you absorb the self-regulation and discipline almost unconsciously, making it a cinch to stick to your new, slim and healthful way of eating.

Belling The 'Cat'

The sugars, fats and salts, the additives and chemicals of processed foods, the excessive high-protein intake—all are stressors preventing the body from achieving the diet¬ary balance which alone assures permanent weight loss. But thus far I've said little about some of the most power¬ful stressors. I call them by a compound name, CAT— that is, Coffee, Alcohol and Tobacco.
All three are stressors which have no place in a com¬plete and healthful diet. I believe enough is known about the dangers to your health without another exposition of their alarming effects. As far as tobacco is concerned, just consult the warning on a cigarette pack. The immod¬erate use of coffee and alcohol provides another list of grisly medical facts. Suffice it to say that in combination with a high-protein diet the effects of CAT over an ex¬tended period of time are suicidal.
The BHMD, though recognizing the dangers of CAT, has a different way of tackling the monster. It is a step- by-step approach rather than a full, head-on attack. I believe that you will be better able to face the CAT after first having experienced your quick and easy weight loss.
It is here that 1 must profess my limitations. As a doc¬tor I can only give the patient opinions. As far as diet is concerned, only the patient can really change his own life. I can tell a patient what's best for him, but only the patient can implement my advice. On the other hand, the serious dieter frequently is the best judge of his own capacity to follow the rules. Therefore, a patient may find
it necessary, for example, to use salt in order to reduce his calorie intake while on my diet plan.
Although I know it's not the best way, I realize that it is better than the more serious danger of being over¬weight. Giant steps are better than small steps, but small steps are better than no steps at all.
However, once you have adjusted yourself to the BHMD it is more likely that you'll be like the runner who builds up stamina to stay the full course. When you look at your new figure you'll be brimming with renewed con¬fidence and self-esteem. The discipline you have ac¬quired almost effortlessly will encourage you to 'bell the CAT.'

Stress And Your Chemistry

Of the many stress factors that assault you, the BHMD is concerned primarily with those affecting nutrition. Moreover, it looks at them in the main on how they inter¬fere with successful weight loss. The BHMD holds to the premise that once the stress-producing elements have been removed from the foods you eat all the rest will be made easier.
Without stress your weight loss is facilitated. With the emergence of a slimmer, healthier, more attractive you, self-esteem and self-confidence return. With the positive reactions to your more appealing appearance you are further encouraged to stay on the diet. In turn, self- approval is reinforced. And thus it goes, one positive factor reinforcing another until the diet's goal has been achieved: the full integration of your physical and psychological well-being through rapid, simple—and en¬joyable!—weight reduction.
To obtain this optimum state of rapid and permanent weight loss together with a relaxed mental condition the BHMD begins by changing your food intake. Scientists are now coming to believe that much of our behavior is influenced by the body's chemistry. Quite a number of them are inclined to see stress as an important factor in altering that chemistry. And since the body's chemistry is affected by diet, there is a growing readiness to combat stress through the right kind of nutrition. The "nervous
eater" frequently reacts not so much 10 his craving for food as to the stress built up in his body through faulty eating practices.
To illustrate, here's a typical question I'm asked in my practice and health seminars: "Is there any harm in drinking lots of Diet Pepsi to cut down my appetite, Dr. Fox?"
A question of this nature usually leads to a discussion of the role of food stressors and how they frustrate the rapid weight-loss process.
I begin by pointing out the health hazards. I explain that the various diet colas are destructive to the immune system by tearing into the body with a huge chemical load. Our immune system repels foreign invaders such as bacteria, viruses and cancer cells. The continual stress caused by food additives and chemicals result in a devas¬tated immune system. Through this ravaged barrier, it is held, enter the conditions producing cancer and other serious illnesses.
But food stressors not only cut down the chances for health and longevity. If it is your object to slim and stay slim, they are the gremlins that play hob with your good intentions. Simply put, food stressors interfere with dis¬cipline.
You have already seen how the doughnut sets off se¬vere blood sugar fluctuations. The sugar in the doughnut drives up your blood sugar and throws the adrenal hor¬mones into a tailspin. Dietwise, it tends to make you lose control of your appetite regulation. Sugar is a stressor. Stress makes you tense. It makes you nervous. Because you are tense and nervous you are not in the proper frame to maintain your diet. Only by eliminating nutri¬tional stress can you prevent your appetite from running wild. And you'll be surprised to find how easily that can be accomplished.
For it is one of the virtues of the BHMD that while you lose weight your tastes undergo a permanent change. In- steadof refined sugars, you savor the "hidden" sugars in starches and legumes. Instead of salt, you want the natu¬ral tartness of certain grains and vegetables, or the seasonings on lean meats. Instead of reaching for a diet cola you find yourself asking for a glass of water, mineral, sparkling, or plain, with a slice of lemon.
The BHMD offers a large selection of natural and tasty suggestions to replace your old fattening and destructive eating habits. In the process your deadened taste buds spring alive again. A whole new world of flavors and savors is opened up to you. And almost without realizing it, you become a disciplined eater.

Evaluate Your Stress

The Self-Evaluation list identifies the various ways that, stress evidences itself in your life. It is graded on a 1 to 4 basis. Too many 3s or 4s should serve to warn you that an
illness may be on the way if stress is not properly handled.
Many symptoms may be related to the effects ot stress. Mark according to the accompanying scale the frequency with which you have had the following symptoms in the past three months.
1. I haven't had the problem.
2. Occasionally.
3. Frequently.
4. Nearly all the time or constant.
1. Aches (neck & shoulders)
2. Alcohol usage
3. Allergy problems
4. Angry feelings
5. Arthritis
6. Asthma attacks
7. Cold hands & feet
8. Colitis attacks
9. Common cold
10. Common flu
11. Constipation
12. Depression
13. Dermatitis
14. Diarrhea
15. Early morning awakenings ——
16. Fatigue
17. Heart palpitations
18. Headaches (tension)
19. High blood pressure
20. Hives
21. Hyperventilation
23. Infections, low grade
24. Indigestion
25. Loss of appetite
26. Low back pains
27. Menstrual distress
28. Migraine headaches
29. Minor illnesses
30. Nausea
31. Nervous feelings
32. Nightmares
33. Non-prescription drugs
34. Overeating
35. Peptic ulcer
36. Prescription drug use
37. Sexual problems
38. Sleep-onset insomnia
39. Vomiting
40. Worrying thoughts
41. Others


Of the ten leading causes of death in this country today, eight are in some way related to stress. Such an alarming statistic is apt to contribute to more stress. But with the BHMD you can do something about it.
The BHMD cannot make your life totally stress-free. There are other factors in your life, environmental, per¬sonal, etc., which do not touch upon the question of weight loss and diet. Two elements of stress, however, the BHMD can take out of your life. These two are associated with many of the diseases that cut down the life span. They are also responsible for overweight, as well as the "roller coaster" effect of other diets.
First there is the stress caused by the lowered self- esteem and self-confidence due to being overweight. This type of stress works on the psychological level. It keeps the dieter confined to a vicious circle. The poor self- image many overweight persons have keeps them from losing weight because of "nervous eating."
A second and very important cause of stress has to do directly with nutrition. We know that fighting your spouse is stress. Getting mad because you are stuck in
traffic is stress. Working harder than you are able to is stress. But you may not realize that eating a candy bar or Big Mac is stress.
I define stress as the non-specific response of the body, mind or emotions to any demand made upon them.
In terms of nutrition the response primarily involves the body. But we should not underestimate the emotional component. We already saw how through lowered self- esteem a person anxious to lose weight defeats his goal through "nervous eating."
Any time you ask your body to respond to something, whether it be physical or emotional, you are stressing your body. Let's see what I mean by looking at the Big Mac you just consumed.
Your unwise choice for lunch has caused stress on two levels:
1) With your burger came the sting of conscience for eating something fattening. The Big Mac cre¬ated guilt feelings. That's emotional stress.
2) By demolishing the hefty burger you pitted your body against an invasion of 1,510 mgs. of sodium, or four times your daily requirement. Counting the salt in the pickle, mustard and ketchup, you consumed with the Big Mac a total of 2,091 mgs. salt, or seven times what you need for the day.
This intake of salt puts tremendous stress on your chemical and cellular levels. Salt, like sugar, fats and additives chemically harm the body. It puts an extra strain on your heart. It is liable to cause hypertension. Salt can affect your kidneys and blood pressure in a very unpleasant way. Salt is a stressor, and any kind of stress crimps your determination to stay on the diet and lose weight fast.

How A Typical Frozen Pizza Is Made

You start with wheat,. corn, soybeans, and sugar cane. The wheat is stripped of all its nutritive value, and made into refined flour. Oxidation agents are added to make the refined flour into stiffened gluten flour.
The corn is crushed into refined starch, 'crosslinking agents' are added to make the refined starch into modified starch.
The soybeans are converted to protein flour and oil.
The protein flour is extruded and refined into tex¬tured vegetable protein.
The oil is hydrogenated into margarine.
The sugar cane is made into raw sugar, and then refined into refined sugar.
The stiffened gluten flour, modified starch, tex¬tured vegetable protein, margarine and refined sugar are emulsified, acidulated, conditioned, synthetically dyed, artificially flavored, etc., into artificial cheese, artificial tomato, simulated Italian sausage, and the pizza shell.
We do not eat properly. Our average diet favors meat and other high-protein substances. These are deficient in Vitamin E, the B complex, Vitamin C, zinc, calcium, magnesium, and a host of other necessary nutrients.
At home and in our restaurants we broil, roast, toast and bake the last shred of nutritive value from our food. Our vegetables are soggy. The grains we eat have actu¬ally "massacred" legions of rats. Our fruit juices, with all the bulk removed, are nothing but the color and the sugar.
Besides the sorry state of our food and the way we prepare it, other factors deprive you of valuable nu¬trients. Common drugs such as aspirin, birth control pills, antacids and antibiotics interefere with vitamin and mineral uptake.
In addition, there are things we cannot control, though they impose increased nutritive demands, e.g., air and water pollution, smoking, alcohol, stress.
But not only does our life-style diminish our supply of essential nutrients. The "refined" or processed foods we eat are stealthy burglars that "rob" you of the vitamins and minerals you do have. A serious lack of these may lead to every kind of ailment, from loose gums to break¬down of important organs and, ultimately, death.
I give all my patients a Mineral Analysis and Dietary Survey. I have yet to find a patient with the proper amount and balance of vitamins and nutrients.
Losing weight in a rapid and efficient manner is an absolute certainty if you follow the BHMD. But it is just as important that you feel healthy, vibrant—alive! Your environment and the way you live conspire to deprive you of the nutrients essential to your well-being. There¬fore, the BHMD subscribes to supplements of vitamins and minerals. As a doctor I can't recommend vitamins and minerals for you individually. In the Stress chapter, however, I explain the usefulness of vitamin and mineral supplements and how, after consultation with your physi¬cian, they can work for you.

C.C.: The Energizer

I shall bid adieu to my pet peeve, the high-protein diets as trumpeted by the false prophets with a final remark about fatigue.
My point will be illustrated by a study that was done with respect to a low-carbohydrate diet on some troops in the Canadian Army during World War II. In that study, the predictable effects of ketosis were made immediately apparent. An unsoldierly group of weary, listless men with sunken eyes emerged from four days of this diet. In their dehydrated and exhausted condition they showed dramatically the results of a regimen free from Complex Carbohydrates.
In the experiment the troops had been given pemmican to eat. The idea was that pemmican—a high-protein dried beef with suet—might be used as a highly-concentrated, high-energy source. With the pemmican they were given tea to drink.
The distressing results surprised the Army medics. Within three days the men were unable to function nor¬mally. They were nauseous, some vomited, all were in¬capacitated by fatigue. They had no appetite.and because of great water loss they had the appearance of having lost considerable weight.
Only when the men were returned to rations with sufficient carbohydrate did the fatigue and nausea disappear.
The same symptomatic lack of physical energy was reported in another experiment with low-carbohydrate diets conducted in the United States. Again, the fatigue vanished miraculously after carbohydrate was restored to the diet.
Today we know that the fatigue, dizziness and headaches experienced by people on the popular but perilous high-protein prescriptions are caused by the "af- ter-burn" of excessive protein. Unable to synthesize adequate amounts of glucose (blood sugar) on high- protein regimens, the body is forced to break down its own muscle and tissue proteins to get glucose. The slug¬gishness, dizziness and fatigue occur because due to in¬sufficient C.C., not enough glucose (the brain's main fuel) reaches the brain

Bhmd Is Not Vegetarian

The BHMD supplies all the fats and protein your body needs. The ingredients and condiments that make up the appetizing BHMD menus provide your body with the essentials of protein. These basic building blocks of the body, you may recall, are amino acids.
The amino acids, not the protein, are important for your body's vital metabolic functions. As part of the C.C., the amino acids perform their jobs with a far greater efficiency than the protein derived from meats.
However, that is not to say that the BHMD is a vege¬tarian diet. Your menus make plenty of allowance to in¬dulge your taste for animal substances. Various types of lean meats, chicken and other poultry, as well as fish are included in the C.C. fare. You will prepare them in a way that permits you to obtain the greatest benefit from them. Nevertheless, the daily quantity should not exceed more than a quarter pound.

Vitamins & Minerals

If you were living in an optimal environment where the air and soil were pure and the food came to you in its unblemished, untampered, virgin condition, then I would say, you don't need vitamins and minerals. But look at the facts. -
The nutritive value of many of our foods is destroyed before it reaches the consumer. Our fruits and vegetables look beautiful, but they are not especially wholesome. Our food processors perform all kinds of wizardry, as the sweetened, homogenized, stabilized, anti-oxidated, che¬lated, anticaked, firmed, softened and flavored products on our shelves testify.

Halt To Salt

The biggest dietary myth next to protein concerns salt.
Somehow, people believe they need salt. So the aver¬age person sprinkles it on his food as if he is doing his body a favor. Many athletes are still convinced that per¬spiring causes the body to need more salt—when in actual fact all the body requires is more water. Food manufacturers pour salt on their products in the belief that they are pleasing consumers. As a result the average person eats far more salt than he should, sometimes as much as 20 times more than needed.
But did you know? You do not need salt at all! In fact, if you're anything like the average American salt is prob¬ably killing you.
What you do need is sodium. A normal individual re¬quires about 400 mgs. of sodium per day. Table salt is 40% sodium. Your daily need does not exceed more than 1/20 teaspoon, and by eating almost any unsalted food you will more than meet this requirement.
In the BHMD I make a distinction: Salt is what you add to food. Sodium is what is already in the food.
If you have a "salty" tooth, the BHMD furnishes enough natural salts in its C.C.-rich menus to satisfy your tastes. You can choose from a tempting variety of gour¬met delights and exciting dishes seasoned with flavors from herbs, spices and natural condiments. Through such "salt-ernatives" you will never more reach for the shaker.
I am very serious about reducing your sodium intake for two reasons. Sodium is a retainer of water, and by cutting down on salt you will rapidly shed as much as five pounds. Your body stores this water to dilute the sodium, and with less sodium less water needs to be retained.
Secondly, sodium is a powerful stressor. If the body takes in too much sodium it can take the kidneys up to 48 hours to eliminate the excess. Overloaded with sodium, water flows from the cells into the fluid surrounding them. Then it passes into the blood, and this is what gives some overweight people a bloated look as well as a bloated feeling.
Robbed of their water the cells function less efficiently. But that is not all.
Retention of water leads to high blood pressure and its associated diseases. As the tissues are flooded your heart has to pump harder. The heart literally has to drain a waterlogged body. These pressures contribute to headaches, congestive heart failure, depression, pre¬menstrual tensions, migraine, and that most serious stress condition of all, hypertension.
In northern Japan, hypertension is a leading cause of death. The people there eat about 40,000 mgs. of salt a day! On the BHMD you reform your eating habits in order that your lost weight will stay lost. The high-protein diets with their limited variety of tastes and flavors cannot adequately reform your ingrained disposition for harmful substances. Scarsdale and Atkins perpetuate the un¬wholesome cravings for sugar and salt. Furthermore, be¬cause they contain too much fats and cholesterols and too little Complex Carbohydrates, they maximize the causes of hypertension. With 20% of Americans prone to this stressful disorder, it is a very grave shortcoming, indeed.
While you follow the BHMD your craving for salt diminishes. That is because the diet makes abundant pro¬vision for tasty combinations. It has recipes from all over the world in which the salt flavors are part of the natural ingredients

No More 'Sugar Rush'

Simple carbohydrate such as sugar throws 50 to 100 calories into your bloodstream at one time. This "rush" causes these" simple sugars to burn up too rapidly, triggering hypo¬glycemia, which means low blood sugar. This condition
signals the brain to crave more sugars, thus stimulating appetite.
On the other hand, the unrefined Complex Carbohy¬drate, such as starch, enter the blood stream evenly. It burns up completely and in this slow process a steady, balanced and leisurely supply of sugar is fed to the blood. Consequently, it eliminates the "appetite swings" com¬monly experienced by people with high sugar intake.
Low blood sugar that results in a craving for more sugar is perhaps one of the more obnoxious effects of the high-protein diets. It is probably a factor in the dis¬appointing record of those who have tried these regimens.
It is remarkable that hypoglycemia, that is low blood sugar, is virtually absent in parts of the world where the diet consists of Complex Carbohydrates.
Though the popular high-protein diets recognize, like all diets, the harm of refined sugar, they get around the problem by something even more questionable. That is, artificial sweeteners. The BHMD frowns on the use of all chemicals and food additives. The effect such substances as saccharine appears to have on cancer incidence is too alarming for comfort.
On the BHMD you learn to like sugar in the form na¬ture intended you to have it. Coupled to your joy of quick weight loss will be the relief of bringing your appetite under control. And this wonder will come about without the dangerous side effect of artificial sugar substitutes.

Carbohydrates: Refined And Unrefined

So far we've focused on the "good" carbohydrate, the C.C. But in the drama of dining there is also a "villain" carbohydrate. This element is all the more treacherous because it comes in a sweet, easily digestible and tempt¬ing form. It is the refined carbohydrate.
The chief culprit of the refined carbohydrates is in that doughnut you're eating. It's sugar.
Here's how sugar goes to work: Once you have eaten the doughnut, the sugar it contains causes your blood sugar to rise sharply. Your body responds by having the pancreas pump out insulin to drive the blood sugar down. In turn, the adrenal glands go to work, attempting to stabilize the blood sugar by pouring out adrenal hor¬mones.
Thus, what started with a simple sugary doughnut has resulted in a stress reaction. Eating that doughnut has forced your body to suffer through drastic changes in blood sugar. As a result, your body is tense and you are nervous.
Of course, your body can easily deal with the stress caused by one doughnut. It can maybe even deal with 1,000 doughnuts. But assaulted by demands to handle doughnuts, sugars, fats, salts, food additives, etc., your
body will be overwhelmed and sooner or later it will givt up.
Stressing your body to deal with harmful materials wili result in a general breakdown of parts. Sugar is a refined carbohydrate that plays a big role in such stress. And that means all sugar. Whether it be brown, "raw," molasses, or in the form of honey.
We consume 128 pounds of sugar per person a year. But this astonishing amount does nothing for us. Our bodies do not benefit in the slightest. Sugar supplies neither protein, vitamins or minerals. As I tell my pa¬tients, sugar is a taker, not a giver. Sugar robs you of phosphorus, the B vitamin complex and magnesium. These important vitamins and minerals are used up in the metabolism of sugar.
The BHMD bans sugar because it makes you fat. I designed the BHMD to make you lose weight rapidly and to keep you slim for the rest of your life. But the diet is equally meant to maintain your health, to reduce stress, and make you live longer.
Sugar is the enemy of these noble aims. It is implicated in diabetes, heart disease, elevated blood cholesterol and serum triglyceride levels, mental problems, tooth decay, dermatitis, and high blood pressure.
My diet deals with the sugar issue by having you feast on a variety of starch-rich foods filled with naturally occurring sugar. Complex Carbohydrates like fruits, vegetables, grains, peas and lentils, are what nature de¬signed you to function on. The BHMD offers them in such a luscious and exotic variety that you will not want to add sugar to your daily meals.

Don't Eat Foods High In Cholesterol

There are two kinds of cholesterol you should be concerned with. HDL (High Density Lipoprotein) and LDL (Low Density Lipoprotein), known as the good and bad cholesterol, respectively.
Lipoproteins exist to carry fats through your bloodstream, which is a watery medium. LDL can be characterized as a delivery truck, depositing fats into your cells, and clogging up your arteries. HDL is a scavenger, gathering up fats and choles¬terol; in effect, cleaning up your arteries.
Thus, while your overall cholesterol should be low (below 180), you should also be concerned with the ratio of HDL to total cholesterol.
Here is how you can perform your own coronary risk factor test: Divide total cholesterol by HDL:
total cholesterol HDL
The lower the figure, the better. A ratio of 3.5 is what you want. A ratio between 7 and 9 doubles the standard risk of a heart attack, and a ratio above 12 or 13 indicates a 300% greater chance of suffering heart disease. (Ask your doctor for HDL reading.)

C.C. Vs. Fats & Oils

In the BHMD fats and oils are replaced by Complex Carbohydrates. These will make you lose weight and in addition do something even more beneficial. As part of your daily diet, C.C. protects you against heart disease and cancer.
The Complex Carbohydrates keep your arteries from clogging up with fats that slow down the flow of blood. For it is one of those marvels of nature that Complex Carbohydrates have the fantastic effect of lowering blood
cholesterol. Thus, among its many other wonders, C.C. reduces the risk of coronary attacks.
A good deal of the Complex Carbohydrates that will buoy up your new diet will be consumed as fiber. The popular high-protein diets are almost criminally deficient in the all-important roughage that comes from the indigestible parts of fruits, vegetables, cereals and grains. Fiber, or "bulk," is incorporated as many delicious items in the BHMD.
And for a very good reason.
It has been shown scientifically that fiber helps increase the body's excretion of cholesterol. With the C.C.-rich fiber you are gaining greater protection against cancer of the colon and the rectum, the most prevalent forms of lethal cancer in our country.
The BHMD offers a wide and zesty assortment of snacks, meals and dishes to reduce your fat intake. For now, let's take one example: the simple potato.
Most people believe that a diet of lean meat will get your weight down better than a diet containing potatoes. But a 3'/2-OZ. porterhouse steak is 82% fat and counts 465 calories. A 3'/2-oz. baked potato, however, contains only 93 calories and is only 0.5% fat. Compare this to a hot dog (80% fat); lunch meat (84%); peanut butter (77%); or take the average cheeseburger, in which the meat is 85% fat, the cheese is 73% fat, and the sauce is 90% fat.
The proof is in the potato, as your scale will verify