The Myth Of "Starch"

With the BHMD I hope to dispel a myth Americans have been laboring under too long. It is the mistaken belief that "starchy" foods cause obesity. Somehow the idea has gotten around that starch is incompatible with weight loss and sound eating principles.

Here I shaH sum up the credo of the BHMD in a nut shell: "Starchy" foods, as long as they are unrefined, are chockful of Complex Carbohydrates. Therefore, the BHMD sets before you a hearty feast of those Complex Carbohydrates and fiber-laden foods for, 1) rapid and permanent weight reduction, 2) for longevity, 3) for stress removal, and 4) for general health.

The BHMD shows you how by way of the Complex

I Carbohydrates a few simple changes in diet enable you to lose weight fast while reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease. You learn to recognize the risk factors and how to avoid them. You learn how to read labels, how to alter favorite recipes, and how to eat away from home.

The BHMD will slim you and make you health-conscious without upsetting your life-style.


Avril said...

agree with your post

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