No More 'Sugar Rush'

Simple carbohydrate such as sugar throws 50 to 100 calories into your bloodstream at one time. This "rush" causes these" simple sugars to burn up too rapidly, triggering hypo¬glycemia, which means low blood sugar. This condition
signals the brain to crave more sugars, thus stimulating appetite.
On the other hand, the unrefined Complex Carbohy¬drate, such as starch, enter the blood stream evenly. It burns up completely and in this slow process a steady, balanced and leisurely supply of sugar is fed to the blood. Consequently, it eliminates the "appetite swings" com¬monly experienced by people with high sugar intake.
Low blood sugar that results in a craving for more sugar is perhaps one of the more obnoxious effects of the high-protein diets. It is probably a factor in the dis¬appointing record of those who have tried these regimens.
It is remarkable that hypoglycemia, that is low blood sugar, is virtually absent in parts of the world where the diet consists of Complex Carbohydrates.
Though the popular high-protein diets recognize, like all diets, the harm of refined sugar, they get around the problem by something even more questionable. That is, artificial sweeteners. The BHMD frowns on the use of all chemicals and food additives. The effect such substances as saccharine appears to have on cancer incidence is too alarming for comfort.
On the BHMD you learn to like sugar in the form na¬ture intended you to have it. Coupled to your joy of quick weight loss will be the relief of bringing your appetite under control. And this wonder will come about without the dangerous side effect of artificial sugar substitutes.


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