The Self-Evaluation list identifies the various ways that, stress evidences itself in your life. It is graded on a 1 to 4 basis. Too many 3s or 4s should serve to warn you that an
illness may be on the way if stress is not properly handled.
Many symptoms may be related to the effects ot stress. Mark according to the accompanying scale the frequency with which you have had the following symptoms in the past three months.
1. I haven't had the problem.
2. Occasionally.
3. Frequently.
4. Nearly all the time or constant.
1. Aches (neck & shoulders)
2. Alcohol usage
3. Allergy problems
4. Angry feelings
5. Arthritis
6. Asthma attacks
7. Cold hands & feet
8. Colitis attacks
9. Common cold
10. Common flu
11. Constipation
12. Depression
13. Dermatitis
14. Diarrhea
15. Early morning awakenings ——
16. Fatigue
17. Heart palpitations
18. Headaches (tension)
19. High blood pressure
20. Hives
21. Hyperventilation
23. Infections, low grade
24. Indigestion
25. Loss of appetite
26. Low back pains
27. Menstrual distress
28. Migraine headaches
29. Minor illnesses
30. Nausea
31. Nervous feelings
32. Nightmares
33. Non-prescription drugs
34. Overeating
35. Peptic ulcer
36. Prescription drug use
37. Sexual problems
38. Sleep-onset insomnia
39. Vomiting
40. Worrying thoughts
41. Others
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