How A Typical Frozen Pizza Is Made

You start with wheat,. corn, soybeans, and sugar cane. The wheat is stripped of all its nutritive value, and made into refined flour. Oxidation agents are added to make the refined flour into stiffened gluten flour.
The corn is crushed into refined starch, 'crosslinking agents' are added to make the refined starch into modified starch.
The soybeans are converted to protein flour and oil.
The protein flour is extruded and refined into tex¬tured vegetable protein.
The oil is hydrogenated into margarine.
The sugar cane is made into raw sugar, and then refined into refined sugar.
The stiffened gluten flour, modified starch, tex¬tured vegetable protein, margarine and refined sugar are emulsified, acidulated, conditioned, synthetically dyed, artificially flavored, etc., into artificial cheese, artificial tomato, simulated Italian sausage, and the pizza shell.
We do not eat properly. Our average diet favors meat and other high-protein substances. These are deficient in Vitamin E, the B complex, Vitamin C, zinc, calcium, magnesium, and a host of other necessary nutrients.
At home and in our restaurants we broil, roast, toast and bake the last shred of nutritive value from our food. Our vegetables are soggy. The grains we eat have actu¬ally "massacred" legions of rats. Our fruit juices, with all the bulk removed, are nothing but the color and the sugar.
Besides the sorry state of our food and the way we prepare it, other factors deprive you of valuable nu¬trients. Common drugs such as aspirin, birth control pills, antacids and antibiotics interefere with vitamin and mineral uptake.
In addition, there are things we cannot control, though they impose increased nutritive demands, e.g., air and water pollution, smoking, alcohol, stress.
But not only does our life-style diminish our supply of essential nutrients. The "refined" or processed foods we eat are stealthy burglars that "rob" you of the vitamins and minerals you do have. A serious lack of these may lead to every kind of ailment, from loose gums to break¬down of important organs and, ultimately, death.
I give all my patients a Mineral Analysis and Dietary Survey. I have yet to find a patient with the proper amount and balance of vitamins and nutrients.
Losing weight in a rapid and efficient manner is an absolute certainty if you follow the BHMD. But it is just as important that you feel healthy, vibrant—alive! Your environment and the way you live conspire to deprive you of the nutrients essential to your well-being. There¬fore, the BHMD subscribes to supplements of vitamins and minerals. As a doctor I can't recommend vitamins and minerals for you individually. In the Stress chapter, however, I explain the usefulness of vitamin and mineral supplements and how, after consultation with your physi¬cian, they can work for you.


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